Build Multiple Geographically Targeted Landing Pages Quickly Using Generic Text & Automatically Inserted City Names. For free download and demo please visit us at https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/region-city-landing-pages-builder
WordPress plugin builds Multiple WordPress Pages with the provided city name in the title and body. Allows for parent pages, page template, page titles and contents. The total number of pages created will be the number of lines entered with the combination of city, state format.
Easily build multiple city pages at once geo-targeted landing pages for your services. Creating multiple of pages for different cities can be very time consuming process. Here at sukanyasoftwares we have tried to simplify this process by creating a plugin what generates multiple pages with similar contents but different titles and city names depending on the use of the shortcode. This shortcode will automatically add in the city name for each auto-generated page.
By the use of simple form, in this plugin can build multiple pages quickly and easily. In fact, you can use it for more than just cities. Say you want to create pages about various types of sports quickly, simple input a list of sports and your base copy, and you’re ready to go! You can set these new pages to draft or published, but we recommend customizing each page to give a unique experience.
For free download and demo please visit us at https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/region-city-landing-pages-builder